Teach Argument With Barbie

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The 2023 summer blockbuster film, Barbie, offers us a number of highly engaging opportunities for teaching close reading and rhetorical analysis! Scroll down for more details on exactly what’s included in this bundle.

You can grab this awesome lesson bundle now for just $5.99 — OR, join TeachArgument to gain instant access to this and ALL of our pop culture lesson bundles! Register here!


Lesson Description

Wonder what you can expect to find in this lesson bundle? Here’s what’s inside:

  • A comprehensive guided analysis for the “monologue” speech from the Barbie movie.  (This is the monologue that has been trending after the film’s release!) This activity spans multiple pages, and includes guiding questions for every single line of the monologue — excellent for introducing argument and close reading, and for scaffolding the kind of thinking you’ll want your students doing!
  • A follow-up activity that incorporates a popular song (also from the Barbie movie soundtrack), this time prompting students to follow your lead and to craft their own guiding questions before digging into close reading and analysis.
  • An interactive exercise designed to get students physically moving around the room and collaboratively analyzing excerpted lyrics of a third pop song from the Barbie movie soundtrack.
  • A writing prompt that asks students to compose an essay that compares, contrasts, and synthesizes the Barbie movie monologue and a second argument (pop song).
  • A “bonus” alternative writing prompt that functions similarly as the one above, but with two songs that would only be appropriate for more mature audiences (i.e. college students) because of the language used the lyrics.

You can grab this awesome lesson bundle now for just $5.99 — OR, join TeachArgument to gain instant access to this and ALL of our pop culture lesson bundles! Register here!


Lesson Features

Grades 9-12+
Focus Close reading, rhetorical analysis, synthesis writing

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