Teach Argument With Memes

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Memes, like the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge and the infamous “Grumpy Cat,” continue to take the internet by storm.  Use these materials to (1) harness the engagement of these popular internet images, (2) analyze the arguments embedded within each of these memes (…do Grumpy Cat memes have a “speaker,” a target audience, and an overarching purpose?), and (3) analyze the relationship between a good argument and a viral meme!

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Lesson Description

Screen Shot 2017-01-20 at 9.53.42 AMThere has been a lot of buzz about teaching with memes — for analytical purposes, for fostering student engagement, and more.  Why?  Well, because memes are literally among the most “contagious” pieces of information on the Internet.  As such, they make for very interesting, and very compelling, analysis!

Here’s what you can expect to find in this lesson bundle:

  • An introduction to teaching with memes (just in case you’re new to the world of ‘memes’)
  • A guided rhetorical analysis of “Grumpy Cat” (using school appropriate memes, of course)
  • A small group assignment for the independent rhetorical analysis of selected memes
  • A guided rhetorical analysis of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
  • Bonus notes for teachers who are looking to teach with memes in other ways

Join the TeachArgument Community to access this (and all of our other pop culture lessons) INSTANTLY! 

Or, purchase this lesson bundle a la carte now for only $4.99!

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Lesson Features

Grades 8 through 12+
Focus Rhetorical Analysis, Visual Analysis, Close Reading

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