Teach Argument With Oliver Anthony's "Rich Men North of Richmond"

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Oliver Anthony’s hit song, “Rich Men North of Richmond,” caught the world by surprise — debuting at number 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 singles — the FIRST TIME an artist with no prior chart history has hit the top of the chart. For obvious reasons, this offers us an awesome opportunity to teach argument with an authentic and wildly popular text.

Scroll down to learn more about exactly what this lesson bundle entails.

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Lesson Description

Wondering exactly what this lesson bundle entails? Here’s what you can expect:

  • An extensive close reading exercise that prompts students to unpack each line of the lyrics. This exercise includes guiding questions for analysis for every line, spanning eight full pages.
  • An activity that prompts students to consider the argument’s audience (including its intended audience and its potential audience). This activity is framed as a class discussion, but can be easily adapted as a writing prompt.
  • An awesome activity that asks students to compare and contrast different remixed versions of Anthony Oliver’s argument, prompting students to consider how his argument was deliberately reshaped by different speakers with different purposes. (This exercise can also be adapted as a writing prompt for a much larger compare and contrast essay or synthesis essay.)

Grab the full bundle for just $5.99 — OR, join TeachArgument now to gain instant access to ALL of our pop culture lesson plans, resources, games, and more!



Lesson Features

Grade Level(s) 9-12+
Focus Close reading, rhetorical analysis, audience, compare and contrast

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