Teach Logical Fallacies With Among Us

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This lesson is awesome.  If you’re looking to take advantage of your students’ recent obsession with the Among Us pop culture phenomenon, here’s the ticket!  Use the language that drives critical gameplay in Among Us to teach logical fallacies.  Your kids will be instantly hooked, and given the lesson’s authenticity, they’ll understand logical fallacies with greater depth than ever before.  Scroll down for more lesson details!

This lesson is has been made exclusively available to members of the TeachArgument Community.  Register here for instant access to this lesson, and ALL of our pop culture resources!

Lesson Description

Wonder what this lesson bundle contains?  Look no further!  Here’s what you can expect:

  • A slideshow that contains the “core” of this lesson — logical fallacies as embodied by gameplay in the incredibly popular game, Among Us.  There are twenty examples that students will strive to identify on their own, not counting a “practice” example, and a “tie breaker” (so your students can play competitively!)
  • The aforementioned slideshow is included in multiple formats, including Google Slides, PowerPoint, and PDF format.  Whether you’re teaching in-person, in a hybrid model, sharing your screen, etc… you’ll have access to multiple formats so you can find the solution that works best for you.  The PowerPoint and Google Slides versions are editable, so you can add your own examples, change the order of the slides, or customize the lesson in any way you see fit!
  • A student handout containing a list of the logical fallacies being taught, including definitions and examples.
  • A student handout that functions as an “answer sheet” — where students can record their responses and tally their scores.  (This is also included in PDF and Google Doc format.)
  • A detailed set of teacher instructions, so you’ll know exactly how to put this lesson to work!

This lesson is sure to engage your students while teaching them logical fallacies in a manner that requires close reading and critical thinking… and they’re sure to love you for it!

This lesson has been made exclusively available to members of the TeachArgument Community.  Register here for instant access to this lesson, and ALL of our pop culture resources!

Lesson Features

Grades 6 - 12
Focus Logical Fallacies

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