Teach Argument With 2024 Super Bowl Commercials!

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Each year, the Super Bowl provides us with a wide variety of commercials that we have the pleasure of closely reading and analyzing with our students. Of course, not every commercial is created equally. Some are jam packed with rhetorical power, while others rely on tried and true devices like celebrity cameos and topical humor to drive their messages forward.

This lesson bundle is designed to: (#1) offer guided analyses with visual pairings (stillframes and excerpts) for three of the most popular 2024 Super Bowl commercials (Budweiser, Popeyes, and E*Trade) — perfect for independent, group, or jigsaw-style assignments, , and (#2) provide a flexible framework into a free-choice analysis for other wildly popular Super Bowl commercials of 2024.

Grab this lesson bundle for $5.99 — OR, join TeachArgument now for full access this (and ALL of our resources)!


Lesson Description

Wonder what you can expect to find in this lesson? Look no further. Here’s what you can expect:

  • A guided analysis (including key still-frames and excerpts) of Budweiser’s “Old School Delivery” (2024 Super Bowl) commercial
  • A guided analysis (including key still-frames and excerpts) of Popeyes’ “The Wait Is Over” (2024 Super Bowl) commercial
  • A guided analysis (including key still-frames and excerpts) of E*TRADE’s “Picklebabies” (2024 Super Bowl) commercial
  • A graphic organizer and prompt that asks students to closely read and analyze a 2024 Super Bowl commercial of their choice

Grab this lesson bundle for $5.99 — OR, join TeachArgument now for full access this (and ALL of our resources)!



Lesson Features

Grade Level(s) 8 - 12+
Focus Close reading, rhetorical analysis, rhetorical appeals

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