English Classroom Decor

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Great middle and high school English classroom decor can be very tough to come by — and, unlike our elementary counterparts who are amazingly adept at developing original bulletin boards, the efforts of most secondary ELA teachers aren’t quite as awe-inspiring.  (Too many papers to grade and lessons to teach, not enough time in the day, right?)

To that end, our team has developed a series of secondary ELA posters and bulletin boards that can be easily printed on standard 8.5″x11″ paper and quickly assembled “mosaic style.”

Here’s what that means for you:

  • That F. Scott Fitzgerald bulletin board you see pictured to the left can be printed across many sheets of paper and assembled mosaic-style, so you’ll never have to find a poster printer or spend time arduously cutting out ornate letters and designs.
  • All of our posters and bulletin boards come at five different sizes — one page, two pages high, three pages high, four pages high, or five pages high.  So, for instance, the PDF that contains the F. Scott Fitzgerald bulletin board that is five pages high and ten pages wide yields a mosaic-style bulletin board that is 53 inches high and 81 inches wide.  (That’s huge — but, PERFECT for a bulletin board!)
  • Our designs are modular, so once your poster or bulletin board of F. Scott Fitzgerald is up, you can easily turn it into a poster or bulletin board of another author or poet that’s included in our bundles.  Simply print out the pages that need to change (the image, not the wooden planks), and leave the rest on your bulletin board as-is.  This can be a HUGE time saver!

Save countless hours, plenty of money, and beautify your classroom with our MEGA English Classroom Decor bundle.  This includes over 1750 files (PDFs and images) across many designs spanning multiple sizes — nearly 6 gigabytes worth of English classroom decor — all for just $99.99.

You can add that comprehensive bundle to your cart using the button below — or, scroll down to check out the extensive contents of this bundle.  (You can purchase our classroom decor bundles “a la carte” if you scroll down, too!)


Lesson Description

Featured Authors as English Classroom Decor: Shiplap

Our team has developed three different “Featured Authors” bundles to help beautify your middle or high school English classroom decor.  Each bundle features fourteen of the most widely studied authors in American and British literature courses, including:

  • Bradbury
  • Chaucer
  • Fitzgerald
  • Heller
  • Hemingway
  • Lee
  • Miller
  • Morrison
  • O’Brien
  • Orwell
  • Salinger
  • Shakespeare
  • Shelley
  • Vonnegut

The first bundle sets each author’s image in a wooden frame, resting on a desk, against a shiplap background.  (An example of this is pictured above, featuring F. Scott Fitzgerald.)  This bundle also includes two versions of each image — with and without the author’s name.

Note that these images and files do not include bulletin board borders.

The Featured Author Shiplap Background Bundle includes 28 designs (14 authors, with and without name) at five different sizes (1 sheet high, 2 sheets high, 3 sheets high, 4 sheets high, 5 sheets high — for a maximum size of approximately 53 inches high and 81 inches wide.  These 140 files are delivered as a 1.26 gb digital download.

Grab this bundle “a la carte” for $24.99, or find it included in the MEGA English Classroom Decor Bundle.



Featured Authors as English Classroom Decor: Gold Frame

Our second “featured authors” bundle contains the same authors as described above, but has been designed to provide extra white-space for teachers to add their own flair.  (Note that the two folders pictured on the right are not part of the bulletin board design.  This is white space that is purposefully “blank” so that you or your students might add folders containing samples of the author’s work, handouts, biographical information, and more.)

Note that these images and files do not include bulletin board borders.

This particular design enables easy swapping of authors’ images (if you change your “featured author”), and is less ink-intensive when compared with our shiplap design.

The Featured Author Gold Frame Bundle includes 14 designs (14 authors) at five different sizes (1 sheet high, 2 sheets high, 3 sheets high, 4 sheets high, 5 sheets high).  These 70 files are delivered as a 660 mb digital download.

Grab this bundle “a la carte” for $24.99, or find it included in the MEGA English Classroom Decor Bundle.





Featured Authors as English Classroom Decor: Polaroid Style

Our third “featured authors” bundle contains the same authors as described in the shiplap and gold frame bundles, but is formatted in retro-cool polaroid style.

As is the case the our other “featured authors” bundles, this design makes it easy to swap out your “featured author” with minimal time and minimal ink.  Just print the necessary pages from your PDF, overlay them onto your bulletin board, and go!

The polaroid style bundle is not as wide as the shiplap and gold frame designs — so if you have a smaller bulletin board in your room, or are simply pressed for space, this might be a better option for your needs.

Note that these images and files do not include bulletin board borders.

The Featured Author Polaroid Style Bundle includes 14 designs (14 authors) at five different sizes (1 sheet high, 2 sheets high, 3 sheets high, 4 sheets high, 5 sheets high).  These 70 files are delivered as a 390 mb digital download.

Grab this bundle “a la carte” for $24.99, or find it included in the MEGA English Classroom Decor Bundle.




Featured Poets as English Classroom Decor

In the same style as our Featured Authors bundles, our Featured Poet bundles help to beautiful your classroom environment with nineteen of the most widely studied poets in American and British literature courses, including:

  • Auden
  • Blake
  • Cummings
  • Dickinson
  • Donne
  • Eliot
  • Frost
  • Hughes
  • Keats
  • Kipling
  • Neruda
  • Plath
  • Poe
  • Pound
  • Tennyson
  • Thomas
  • Whitman
  • Wordsword
  • Yeats

Each of these bundles utilize the same exact dimensions as the featured authors counterparts, so they can be used in the same “modular” manner.  (In other words, you can easily swap out an image of F. Scott Fitzgerald with the corresponding image of T.S. Eliot without altering the rest of the board.)

You can grab the Featured Poets Shiplap Bundle “a la carte” for $24.99:


You can grab the Featured Poets Gold Frame Bundle “a la carte” for $24.99:


You can grab the Featured Poets Polaroid Style Bundle “a la carte” for $24.99:


Or, you can find ALL of these bundles included in the MEGA English Classroom Decor Bundle.


Awesome Lit Quotes as English Classroom Decor

What’s more appropriate to plaster on the walls of your English classroom — aside from the images of authors and poets we’ve already covered — than some of the most powerful quotes from the literature you’ll be reading in your classes?

Our Lit Quote Poster and Bulletin Board Bundle includes 45 quotes — three from each of the most popularly studied books in high school English classes.  These quotes correspond with the featured author bundles, giving you the tools you need to create a super immersive and engaging literary classroom environment.  (This is the epitome of middle and high school English classroom decor, isn’t it?) The literary quotes in this bundle come from the following works:

  • 1984
  • Beloved
  • Beowulf
  • The Canterbury Tales
  • Catch 22
  • Catcher in the Rye
  • Death of a Salesman
  • Fahrenheit 451
  • Frankenstein
  • Macbeth
  • Slaughterhouse Five
  • The Great Gatsby
  • The Old Man and the Sea
  • The Things They Carried
  • To Kill a Mockingbird

Each quote comes in three styles — two color versions (one blue toned, one orange toned) and one black and white version.  Each version comes at five different sizes (1 sheet high, 2 sheets high, 3 sheets high, 4 sheets high, 5 sheets high) for a total of 675 files.  These files are delivered as a 185 mb digital download.  Note that these images and files do not include bulletin board borders.

You can grab the Lit Quote Poster and Bulletin Board Bundle “a la carte” for $24.99 — or find it included in the MEGA English Classroom Decor Bundle.



Content Area Positivity Posters & Bulletin Boards

Our Content Area Positivity Bundle includes a series of posters and bulletin boards that were designed to help support your students’ love for reading and writing.

These posters include the following phrases:

  • Reading Is Awesome!
  • Reading Is Fun!
  • I Love Reading!
  • Writing Is Awesome!
  • Writing Is Fun!
  • I Love Writing!

All posters come in five sizes (1 sheet high, 2 sheets high, 3 sheets high, 4 sheets high, 5 sheets high) and in various colors, including black and white, for a total of 80 files.  These files are delivered as a 34 mb digital download. Note that these images and files do not include bulletin board borders.

You can grab the Content Area Positivity Poster and Bulletin Board Bundle “a la carte” for $9.99 — or find it included in the MEGA English Classroom Decor Bundle.


Growth Mindset Posters and Bulletin Boards

As the title suggests, our Growth Mindset Poster and Bulletin Board Bundle is designed to help you support your students’ development of a growth mindset.

This bundle includes 25 different inspiration quotes that showcase and foster a “growth mindset.”  Each quote comes in color and in black and white, and comes in five sizes (1 sheet high, 2 sheets high, 3 sheets high, 4 sheets high, 5 sheets high), for a total of 345 files.  This bundle is delivered as a 150 mb digital download.  Note that these images and files do not include bulletin board borders.

You can grab the Growth Mindset Poster and Bulletin Board Bundle “a la carte” for $24.99 — or find it included in the MEGA English Classroom Decor Bundle.



The Gigantic Shakespeare

The title says it all.

Sometimes, you have a big empty wall, just waiting to be plastered with literary genius.  When posters and bulletin boards fall short, this gigantic Shakespeare poster promises to deliver.

The Giant Shakespeare Bundle includes mosaic-style posters of the image to your right in the same sizes as the bundles above (one sheet high, two sheets high, three sheets high, four sheets high, and five sheets high).  Additionally, we’ve included a version thats eight sheets high and another that’s ten sheets high. 

The dimensions of the original image are approximately the same as an 8.5″x11″ piece of paper, so the 10 sheet by 10 sheet poster is approximately 8 feet high and 6.75 feet wide.  Pretty awesome — especially if you’re looking to make a statement.

You can grab The Gigantic Shakespeare Bundle “a la carte” for $4.99 — or find it included in the MEGA English Classroom Decor Bundle.



The MEGA English Classroom Decor Bundle

We MEGA English Classroom Decor Bundle includes every poster and bulletin board resource described above — for just $99.99.  If you’re looking for an awesome solution for your middle or high school English classroom decor, this is it! The MEGA bundle includes:

  • Featured Authors Bundle: Shiplap ($24.99)
  • Featured Authors Bundle: Gold Frame ($24.99)
  • Featured Authors Bundle: Polaroid Style ($24.99)
  • Featured Poets Bundle: Shiplap ($24.99)
  • Featured Poets Bundle: Gold Frame ($24.99)
  • Featured Poets Bundle: Polaroid Style ($24.99)
  • Awesome Lit Quotes Bundle ($24.99)
  • Content Area Positivity Bundle ($9.99)
  • Growth Mindset Poster and Bulletin Board Bundle ($24.99)
  • The Gigantic Shakespeare Bundle ($4.99)

The MEGA English Classroom Decor Bundle saves you about $115, and ensures that you’re fully stocked with the middle and high school English classroom decor that you need to bring your classroom walls to life.

So what are you waiting for?  Grab the MEGA English Classroom Decor Bundle now!



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