Teach Argument With The Jonas Brothers

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The Jonas Brothers’ hit song, “Sucker,” provides us with a nice opportunity to engage in rhetorical analysis while hooking students with a chart-topping pop song.  This particular lesson bundle spans four activities across ten pages, each of which have been crafted to teach argument, rhetorical analysis, and close reading.  The cherry on top is a lovely intertextual analysis exercise (which also lends itself nicely to an analytical essay task).

Grab this lesson now for $4.99 — or, join the TeachArgument Community to gain instant access to this, and ALL of our pop culture resources!



Lesson Description

Wondering what you’ll find in this lesson bundle?  Get excited.  This bundle includes:

  • A scaffolded rhetorical analysis (excerpted lyrics side-by-side with guiding questions for students to consider as they analyze the text)
  • A close reading exercise that is focused on determining more about the speaker-audience relationship based on subtle context clues
  • A close reading exercise that is focused on word choice (This one ALWAYS gets the point across, and the kiddos love it.  You’ll practically see the lightbulbs going off in your classroom.)
  • An intertextual analysis that prompts students to compare and contrast The Jonas Brothers’ rhetoric as it has evolved over the past decade

Grab this lesson now for $4.99 — or, join the TeachArgument Community to gain instant access to this, and ALL of our pop culture resources!



Lesson Features

Grades 7-12
Focus Rhetorical Analysis, Close Reading, Intertextual Analysis

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