Teach Argument with Ariana Grande's 7 Rings!

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Ariana Grande’s hit song, 7 Rings, is ripe with rhetorical devices for our students to unpack.  The song itself mirrors the melody of the classic hit, “A Few of My Favorite Things,” so we have Ariana Grande to think for the great opportunity to conduct a compelling intertextual analysis with popular music.  Whether you’re looking to dive into specific rhetorical devices or close reading and word choice in general, this lesson bundle promises to deliver.

Grab this lesson now for $4.99 — or, join the TeachArgument Community to gain INSTANT access ALL of our resources!


Lesson Description

Wonder what you can expect to find in this lesson bundle?  Look no further.  This bundle contains:

  • A guided rhetorical analysis that includes excerpted lyrics with side-by-side questions for consideration (spanning six pages)
  • Guiding questions that hone in on examples of synecdoche, rhetorical questions, polysyndeton, asyndeton, aphorism, and more.
  • A graphic organizer to scaffold students’ consideration of Ariana Grande’s “7 Rings” through the rhetorical triangle (speaker, audience, message, purpose)
  • A graphic organizer that prompts students to analyze Julie Andrews’ “My Favorite Things,” and to synthesize their analysis with “7 Rings.”

Grab this lesson now for $4.99 — or, join the TeachArgument Community to gain INSTANT access ALL of our resources!


Lesson Features

Focus Rhetorical Devices, Rhetorical Analysis, Intertextual Comparative Analysis
Grades 8 - 12

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